Volume 06 Issue 11 November 2023
1Mahyuni, 2Sandra Bakti Mafriana
1,2Department of Government, Lambung Mangkurat University & Jl B Hasan Basri Kayutangi Banjarmasin Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v6-i11-79Google Scholar Download Pdf
This research aims to measure the level of participation of river area communities in Barito Kuala Regency in monitoring the general election stages which include the stages of updating voter data and preparing the voter list in Barito Kuala Regency. The research method uses a quantitative approach with a descriptive survey method. This research was carried out in riverside villages in 2 sub-districts, namely Barambai Sub-district and Tabung Anen Sub-district with a total of 100 respondents in 18 villages. The research results describe that respondents who are not active play a role independently or in groups in monitoring the process of Voter data and the preparation of voter lists dominate more in Tabunganen District than those playing a very active role independently or in groups in monitoring the process. update voter data and preparation of voter lists. Meanwhile, community participation in Barambai District in preventing election monitoring officers from violating procedures or mechanisms in collecting community data for the 2024 elections is uneven. Meanwhile, a total of 87 respondents from the two sub-districts, both Tabunganen Subdistrict and Barambai Subdistrict, who never received information from other parties regarding alleged violations or election fraud at the stage of updating voter data and compiling the voter list in the 2024 election, were 11 respondent. Meanwhile for aspects reporting half of the survey respondents in Tabunganen District or 54% did not know/were not willing to provide information on alleged election violations, but a quarter of the respondents were hesitant/undecided and another quarter were willing to provide the information. Even if they did, half of the 50 respondents chose not to reveal the identity of the person providing information on alleged election violations, but a quarter, or 22% chose to only provide their initials and 26% chose to just notify.
KEYWORDS:Election Supervision, Participatory Supervision, Simultaneous General Elections, River Communities.
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