November 2023

Volume 06 Issue 11 November 2023
The Influence of Service Quality on Tourist Satisfaction through Competitive Advantage on Café Sawah Malang Regency
1Arled Yigibalom, 2Boge Triatmanto, 2Sunardi
1Student of Postgraduate Magister Management, University of Merdeka Malang, Indonesia
2Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Merdeka Malang, Indonesia

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The main aim of this research is to find out and explain how much service quality influences tourist satisfaction with competitive advantage as a mediating variable for the Sawah Café. Apart from that, it explains the supporting factors in the tourist area. This research model is quantitative with descriptive and regression analysis. The location of this research is at Café Sawah, Malang Regency, East Java, Indonesia. The results of this research reveal that service quality has a positive impact on tourist satisfaction, competitive advantage has a positive influence on tourist satisfaction, and service quality on tourist satisfaction through competitive advantage has a positive influence on tourist satisfaction.


Service Quality, Competitive Advantage, Tourist Satisfaction, Employee Performance, Café Sawah

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Volume 06 Issue 11 November 2023

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