Volume 06 Issue 11 November 2023
1John Marc A. Del Rosario, 2Chester John D. Pasco, 3Kriscentti Exzur Barcelona, Ph.D
1Lourdes College, Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines
2Sussex Central Middle School, Virginia, USA
3Lourdes College, Cagayan de Oro City, Philippines
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v6-i11-38Google Scholar Download Pdf
Oral rhetoric has always been an integral aspect of any student's academic learning. However, most students struggle in the classroom due to some speech factors. This study investigated the effectiveness of the P.R.E.P. and teacher-directed approaches in improving the quality of oral rhetoric in Grade eleven students. Moreover, quasi-experimental research design was used in this study, the control group was subjected to teacher-directed approach while the experimental group was subjected to Point, Reason, Example, and Point (P.R.E.P.) approach. The quality of students' oral rhetoric performance was assessed using a rubric that encompassed the following canons: invention, arrangement, style, memory, and delivery. Both groups scored consistent increase in Good level in all canons of oral rhetoric; there is a significant difference in the participants’ oral rhetoric rating before and after the interventions; the two groups differed significantly in their oral rhetoric in the arrangement canon, with the PREP approach group having a higher mean increment. Findings of this study revealed that both oral rhetoric strategies were comparably effective in helping students frame meaning into their spoken discourse. It is recommended that English programs consider fostering innovative speaking approaches in the teaching and learning of the English language.
KEYWORDS:P.R.E.P. Approach, Teacher-Directed Approach, Oral Rhetoric Canons, Invention, Arrangement, Memory, Style, Delivery
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