Volume 06 Issue 11 November 2023
Universitas Sultan Ageng Tritayasa
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v6-i11-34Google Scholar Download Pdf
The focus of this research is the diffusion process of innovation in the Serang Regency Tourism Information System (SIMPARTA). Innovation diffusion is the process by which innovation is communicated through specific channels over time in social systems. Diffusion is needed to produce an easy approach so that people or individuals understand and use the innovations that have been carried out by the government. Serang Regency has a very large area with various natural tourism potentials, ranging from beach tourism to mountain tourism. However, tourism in Serang Regency still does not provide great interest for domestic and foreign tourists to visit. To attract domestic and foreign tourists, the Serang Regency Government made an application called SIMPARTA. SIMPARTA Serang Regency is a web-based application in the form of a tourist directory. One of the purposes of using the SIMPARTA application is as a vehicle to develop the tourism industry in Serang Regency. With this application, it is expected that domestic and foreign tourists will know various tourism and culinary places in Serang Regency, so that the number of tourist visitors in Serang Regency increases. Innovation is not only born to exist but how this innovation is understood, used and ultimately has a positive impact. For this reason, the process of diffusion of innovation is needed.
KEYWORDS:diffusion, innovation, information systems
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