Volume 06 Issue 10 October 2023
Ahmad Hidayat
Faculty of Law, Universitas Bhayangkara Surabaya, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v6-i10-09Google Scholar Download Pdf
This study analyzes the Indonesian patent legal system and the comparison of legal protection against simple patents. Descriptive normative juridical research method that uses a statutory approach supported by a theoretical approach. In this case, Law No. 13/2016 on Patents is studied using legal theory to study the comparison of legal protection available for simple patents in the Indonesian patent legal system. The results show that several mechanisms and principles of legal protection are seen in the regulatory standards that still adhere to the principles of the WTO/TRIPs Agreement. Indicators of infringement that are important in the settlement of simple patent disputes are related to (1) the introduction of the invention in the claim supported by the description of the simple patent, (2) identifying competitors' inventions before the date of acceptance; and (3) anticipating prior art against inventions that are considered not new for each claim unit of the patent to be invalidated, so that at least it can provide an overview of the settlement of patent cases in the future.
KEYWORDS:Simple Patent, Comparative Legal Protection, Dispute Resolution.
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