Volume 06 Issue 10 October 2023
Dang Thi Kim Chung, M.A
Dai Nam University – Hanoi, Vietnam
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v6-i10-80Google Scholar Download Pdf
This research paper investigates the impact of visual aids on vocabulary acquisition in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classes. Vocabulary acquisition is a fundamental aspect of language learning, and innovative teaching methods are continuously sought to improve this process. Visual aids, such as images, videos, flashcards, and infographics, are known to enhance comprehension, retention, and engagement in language learning. However, their specific effectiveness in the context of EFL vocabulary acquisition has not been comprehensively explored. The study employs an experimental research design. 62 EFL learners are randomly assigned to two groups: one group receiving traditional vocabulary instruction without visual aids, and the other group exposed to vocabulary teaching supported by various visual aids. Pre-tests and post-tests are conducted to assess vocabulary knowledge, and feedback from learners is gathered to understand their perceptions and preferences. Preliminary findings suggest that the use of visual aids in EFL vocabulary instruction leads to a statistically significant improvement in vocabulary acquisition (M=5.63) for the pretest and M=6.95 for the posttest. Learners in the visual aids group demonstrate enhanced comprehension, retention, and engagement. The research findings also reveal that visual aids worked better for low level of proficiency students.
KEYWORDS:visual aids, vocabulary acquisition, low level of proficiency students.
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