Volume 06 Issue 10 October 2023
1Yuwono Prianto, 2Marian, 3Michelle Linda Antonio
1,2,3Tarumanegara University Faculty of Law
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v6-i10-75Google Scholar Download Pdf
The issue of separatism remains heavily debated and poses a threat to the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia, specifically with regards to the KKB (Armed Criminal Group) in Papua. Cases of human rights violations committed by the Papuan KKB have been increasingly brutal, leading to their designation as a terrorist group under Terrorism Law 5/2018. The demand for a referendum on Papuan independence, weapon supplies and ransom as conditions for releasing hostages, has generated mixed responses from government institutions and society. This research aims to examine the perspective on hostage diplomacy for ransom in light of the Papuan KKB's terrorist designation, considering both supremacy of law and humanism. The chosen method for this study is normative-qualitative, which involves a descriptive analytical approach. The findings indicate that redefining the actions of the Papuan KKB as terrorism has had a domino effect on law enforcement and measures taken to address the group. In practice, the enforcement of positive law often intersects with the values held in society. Based on the supremacy of law perspective, the ransom system is deemed unacceptable in terrorist hostage diplomacy and is considered contrary to the law. However, the humanistic perspective justifies the use of ransom money to save the lives of hostages. Resolving the complex and multidimensional conflict in Papua can be pursued through a collaborative approach rooted in humanism, sociology, and anthropology.
KEYWORDS:hostage diplomacy, The Papuan KKB, ransom system, supremacy of law, humanism
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