Volume 06 Issue 10 October 2023
1Ma. Aurora t. Caday, dba, 2Leovigildo lito d. Mallillin, phd
1University Research Director Universidad De Manila Manila Philippines
2Professor, Faculty of Arts and Languages Philippine Normal University Manila Philippines
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v6-i10-69Google Scholar Download Pdf
The paper explores the organizational leadership skills theory and practice as a guide to management systems in terms of motivation of groups to improve tasks, influence to build trust, become effective communicators, provide a positive work atmosphere, foster employee satisfaction, and encourage professional growth and development among the respondents. Descriptive quantitative research design is employed in the study. It quantifies and measures organizational leadership skills theory and practice as a guide to management systems. Likewise, convenient sampling is utilized in the gathering of the sample size. The study comprised Sixty (60) respondents only. Results show that motivation drives the success of employees which is vital for the satisfaction of the workforce and role in the organization, show to engage employees to perform better with their work to the fullest, show to communicate clearly with the objectives, goals, and expectation to provide clarity with self-confidence among employees who excel on the job well done, show that it is conducive for collaboration and success for the employees' efforts in the organization and performance, show to involve significant experiences on employee retention, employee engagement, and employee motivation, and show to provide an opportunity for advancement to grow and develop as team members in the organization.
KEYWORDS:Organizational leadership skills, management system, motivation of group to improve task, influence to build trust, become effective communicator, provide positive work atmosphere, foster employee satisfaction, and encourage professional growth and development
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