Volume 06 Issue 10 October 2023
1Dr. Pham Thi Thuy, 2Dr. Do Thi Yen, 3Dr. Trinh Quoc Viet
1,2University of Labor and Social Affairs, Hanoi, Vietnam
3Political Academy, Hanoi, Vietnam
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v6-i10-36Google Scholar Download Pdf
During his lifetime, Ho Chi Minh paid great attention to exercising freedom of belief and religion. In particular, as President of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam for 24 years, he regularly led and directed the implementation of the people's right to freedom of belief and religion. Ho Chi Minh's viewpoints and practices of leadership and direction in implementing the right to freedom of belief and religion have incorporated the ideology of freedom of belief and religion. Ho Chi Minh's thoughts on freedom of belief and religion are an important part of his thoughts on the basic issues of the Vietnamese revolution. Up to now, Ho Chi Minh's ideology on freedom of belief and religion still has profound theoretical and practical value and needs to be researched and applied in improving the quality and effectiveness of exercising freedom. beliefs and religions in Vietnam
KEYWORDS:Ho Chi Minh thought; freedom of belief and religion; value and application orientation; Vietnam.
REFERENCES1) Government Committee for Religious Affairs (2022), Religion and religious policies in Vietnam (White Paper), Religion Publishing House, Hanoi.
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