Faromarzi F.
Abu Rayhan Beruni Institute of Oriental Studies, Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v6-i1-18Google Scholar Download Pdf
Historical works written in Movarounnahr and Khorasan in the 14th-15th centuries occupy a special place in Eastern historiography in terms of their writing style and scope of the topic. Because they were the basis for the development of the field of historiography and the emergence of new directions in it. The development of the field of historiography is primarily due to the patronage of Amir Temur and the Timurid princes, as well as the merits of the great historians who lived in that time. To date, there are a number of studies on the history of Amir Temur and the political and cultural life of the Timurid period, in particular, on the works of historians of this period. However, little attention was paid to the role of the scientific heritage of historians who lived dyuring this period in the development of the field of historiography. This article analyzes the role of the scientific heritage of one of the famous historians and geographers of the Middle Ages, Hafiz-i Abru, in the historiography of the Timurid era. For this, the contribution of the historian to the development of the cultural life of the Timurid period, especially in the field of historiography, in connection with the history of this period, will be highlighted. The significance of the scientific heritage of Hafiz-i Abru in the study of the history of Amir Temur and the Timurid period is discussed. The similarities and differences of the historian with other historians of his time are analyzed.
KEYWORDS:Hafiz-i Abru, historiography, Amir Temur, general history, Bihdadiniy, zayl(continuation), collection, “Zubdat al-Tawarikh”, Sultaniya, Temurids, chronicle, Mawara al-Nahr, historical treatise, Herat, Ilkhanids, story- writer, bakhshi, safarname
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