1Radiansyah, 2Raihanah Sari, 3Fathul Jannah,
4Tasya Kamina, 5Ni'mah Azizah, 6Prima Mega Puspita,
7Muhammad Zefri
1,2,3,4,5,6,7Lambung Mangkurat University & South Borneo, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v5-i9-40Google Scholar Download Pdf
This research is motivated by the demands of the 21st century which requires students to have skills such as communication, collaboration, critical thinking and problem solving and creativity and innovation. These skills are in the stage of higher order thinking or what we usually call HOTS. Like critical thinking skills, creativity is equally important in learning at school. Therefore, educators can find appropriate learning models to develop the creativity of students. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the steps of the HOTS-based Project Learning model and to analyze students' critical thinking skills and creativity through the HOTS-based Project Learning model in learning . The Project Learning model which is a combination of PBL and PjBL is an answer to a model that can be used to develop critical and creative thinking skills of elementary school students. The method used for this research is research and development (Research and Development) . This R&D method is intended to produce a product. The research stages can be detailed as follows: (1) pre-field stage or preparation stage, (2) advanced stage, Development of HOTS-based Project Learning Learning Models, (3) post-field stage where the research team prepares reports. The research activity begins with basic research on the learning model that has been used by teachers at SD Lahan Basah, Banjar Regency, then to the stage of developing the Project Learning learning model which is a solution to stimulate students' critical and creative thinking skills . Based on the results obtained in learning using the Project Learning model, it is concluded that learning using this model can improve students' critical thinking skills and creativity in learning, the average student also shows an increase and achieves N gain in the high category. The results of the research will be followed up in the form of scientific publications which are implemented in community service programs and further research and research outputs include publications in reputable international journals.
KEYWORDS:HOTS , Project Learning Model
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