Barnabas Shabayang
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v5-i9-31Google Scholar Download Pdf
God is a supernatural, Eternal and Omnipotent Being. The rich Christian theology presents God as perfect unity in tri-personal mode of operation. Using the transcendental and contextual method, the research examines the exposition of trinitarian communion as the apex of security, love, unity and tranquility. This notion is captured in the Greek terms of perichoresis and Circumincession – meaning the penetration of the inner coinherence within the psychology of the Trinity. The research assesses the inner dynamics that forms the unity of God in Tri-personal essence, making it serve as a theological discourse to create a culture of peace, love, unity and justice in Africa. These features of metaphoric-psychic-spiritual realities captured manifestly, the ideals of divine essence espoused to model the human domain; thus, serving as remedy against the prevalent culture of feud, conflict and war. In its conceptual womb, Ubuntu structures and tailors a common hegemony of the philosophy of unity to mediate peace in Africa. Thus, the inner coinherence present in the essence of the Trinity is faith-in-action; paving way to resolving concrete African issues on security, finance, agriculture and the likes. The Communion of God in the Trinity therefore, is elixir of unity.
KEYWORDS:Insecurity, Theology, Socio-political, Trinitarian Communion, Truth
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