August 2022

Persuasive Dakwah on the Development of Ex-Commercial Sex Workers in the Mattirodeceng Women's Social Organization Makassar City (A Sociological Approach)
1ST Aisyah BM,2Syamsuddin AB
1,2Faculty of Da'wah and Communication, Alauddin State Islamic University Makassar

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Persuasive da'wah is one of the approaches taken by officers in fostering ex-commercial sex workers while being rehabilitated. This type of research is qualitative with a sociological approach and data sources are five informants. Data obtained through observation, in-depth interviews and documentation, then analyzed by data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions.
The results showed that the form of application of persuasive da'wah to the development of ex-commercial sex workers, namely; a). Delivery of persuasive da'wah in the form of providing social guidance; self-interity and da'wah material, b). Delivery of persuasive da'wah in the form of advanced guidance, c). the application of persuasive da'wah in the form of fardiyah; coaching in the form of Islamic tabligh, coaching in the form of tajuiya, coaching in the form of tabligh khitabah, coaching in the form of Islamic irsyad; da'wah guidance activities, coaching with takwin; have the ability to communicate, have the ability to do social guidance, have the ability to provide skills guidance.
The social reality of the implementation of persuasive da'wah whose output orientation is from fostering former commercial sex workers is certainly expected to return to the reality of life in accordance with the social order. So the initial step of coaching must be in accordance with the mechanism of the coaching stages such as acceptance, assessment, intervention, and termination, so that the client is first identified to find out the client's family background, the potential of each client, age, education level, religion, marital status, and social status. The economy


Da'wah, Persuasive, Coaching, Ex-Commercial Workers, Rehabilitation


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52) Sunarto. Da'wah on Commercial Sex Workers. Journal of Islamic Communication Volume 01 , Number 01, June 2011 accessed on April 8, 2017

53) DOI : -i8-04

54) DOI : -i8-07

55) DOI : -i12-21

56) DOI : -i5-22

57) DOI :

58) DOI : -i7-19


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