August 2022

Reminiscence Therapy on Reducing Stress Levels in the Elderly
1Supriatin Supriatin,2Asiah Asiah,3R Nur Abdurakhman,4Abas Hidayat,5Thatu Khoerul Maliah
1,2,3,4Lecturers, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Cirebon, West Java, Indonesia
5Student, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Cirebon, West Java, Indonesia

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Stress has a negative impact on humans. Avoiding this impact requires good stress management, one of which is through reminiscence therapy. This therapy is an activity to reminisce about happy events in the past, which can be a coping mechanism to deal with stress. This research aims to determine the effect of reminiscence therapy on reducing stress levels in the elderly. This type of research uses a pre-experimental design with pre-test and post-test designs against one group. The place of research is at the Assalam nursing home for the elderly, Cirebon, Indonesia, in 2020. Sampling using a total sample of 20 respondents. The instrument used was a stress questionnaire (DASS). We collected data by interviewing and filling out a stress questionnaire. The technique of data analysis using T-test. This study's results indicate a significant effect of applying reminiscence therapy on stress levels in the elderly. The results of this study suggest that reminiscence therapy should be done frequently in nursing homes to reflect on feelings daily and reduce stress in the elderly.


elderly; nursing home; reminiscence therapy; stress; reduce


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