August 2022

Innovation in Teaching– “An Encouraging Environment for Education”
Dr. Remya Ravi
Assistant Professor, Department of Corporate Secretaryship Ethiraj College for Women (Autonomous), Chennai 08

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The development of an economy is marked by its education system and the ability of teachers to bring innovative teaching methods. Innovation has been recognized as the primary strategy to attain a competitive edge in education. The current implications in education system have impelled institutions of higher education to build innovative teaching learning methods to enhance skill development and practical knowledge. The role of a teacher is indispensable in contributing to the success of a student. A teacher inspires, motivates, and imparts knowledge to the students by finding new and innovative methods that makes education simple and easy. Reinventing teaching methods and experimenting different pedagogical techniques in curriculum enhancement ensures the highest standards of quality in a student. Innovating teaching methods leaves a permanent mark of interest on the subject and the teacher. Visualising concepts and reciprocating the same is possible only through the innovative teaching methodology, as it draws curiosity and the potential to question on related topics. Innovative teaching methods set groundwork for skill enhancement and stimulates a zest to teach and learn. Development of new teaching learning methods leads to increased student efficiency and ensures a pragmatic approach of students to have a hands-on experience on practical cases. Case studies, group activities, practical classes, live projects, brain storming sessions are few of the teaching methods that gives students an opportunity to discover their potentials and develop critical learning techniques. In consideration of the above concept a research is undertaken on “Innovation in teaching” to evaluate students’ perspective on innovating teaching pedagogy. This study will thus establish the importance of Innovative teaching methods among students.


Innovation, Teaching Methods, Skill Development, Teaching and Learning Sustainable strategies.


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12) accessed on 1/2/22

13) accessed on 1/2/22


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