VOlUME 05 ISSUE 07 JULY 2022
1Mr. Satadal Giri,2Prof. Dr. Pradipta Kumar Mishra,3Dr. Jyoti Sankar Pradhan
1Assistant Professor, P.G. Department of Education Fakir Mohan University, Balasore-756019
2Principal Y.S. Palpara Mahavidyalaya (NAAC Accredited-B) Palpara, Purba, Medinipur-721458West Bengal
3Associate Professor & Head, P.G. Department of Education Fakir Mohan University, Balasore-756019
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NEP, 2020 : NEP, 2020 has advanced for the implementation of 1 year & 2 year B. Ed along with the 4 year Integrated Teacher Education Programme(ITEP). But after 2030 only the 4 year ITEP will prevail as the single professional degree for any school level Teaching profession. In order to accelerate the universal use of ICT in the field of Teacher education, along with the use of open educational resources, focus should be given on SWAYAM & DIKSHA platforms to provide online learning platform to the teacher Trainees & the short term training programmes for the in-service teachers. As a result, the importance of OER through the above stated two online platforms will be maximized with wider circulation.
KEYWORDS:ICT, Teacher Education, OER & NEP-2020
1) Goel, D, e,tl (2017) Educational Technology in India, University News,Vol.55(43); New Delhi.
2) National Curriculum Framework 2005, National Council of EducationalResearch and Training, New Delhi, India.
3) Curriculum Framework For Teacher Education 2006, Council for TeacherEducation, New Delhi in collaboration with
National Council of Educational Research and Training, New Delhi, India.
4) UNESCO (2000-b): Information and Communication Technologies in Education – A Curriculum for Schools and
Programs of TeachersDevelopment, France.
5) http://www.ncte-in.org/ - Information and Communication TechnologyLiteracy (Curriculum for Teacher Education).
6) http://www.unescobkk.org/fileadmin/user_upload/ict/e-books/infoshare5//4integrating.pdf - The Integration of ICT in
Teacher Education - A Case Study of aPre-Service Institute in India.
7) Thomas, R(2017) Use of Open Educational Resources: Indian Scenario,International Journal of Library and Information
Science (IJLIS), IAEME Publications, Vol.6, issue.5