VOlUME 05 ISSUE 07 JULY 2022
Rafi Unggul Pambudi
Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta
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The decision on ratification of the peace which has obtained permanent legal force in relation to the minutes, for all Creditors which is not disputed by the Debtor, is the basis of rights that can be exercised against the Debtor and all persons who have bound themselves as guarantors for the reconciliation. The formulation of the problem in this thesis, regarding the position of creditors who are not registered in the homologation decision after the decision on suspension of debt payment obligations and legal remedies that can be taken by unregistered creditors on the grounds of rejecting the homologation decision after the decision on suspension of debt payment obligations. This thesis uses a normative legal research method with secondary data collection which is analyzed qualitatively to obtain conclusions about the position of creditors who are not registered in the homologation decision after the decision to postpone the payment of debt obligations, which are bound in the homologation decision and are entitled to the payment of their receivables. Legal remedies that can be taken by unregistered creditors on the grounds of refusing the homologation decision after the decision to postpone the obligation to pay debts due to an unfair position with registered creditors are to file a lawsuit for the cancellation of homologation to the commercial court and file a bankruptcy petition as legal facts based on the Supreme Court Decision Number 708 K/Pdt.Sus-Pailit/2015 Decision of the Central Jakarta Commercial Court Number 20/Pailit/2009/PN. Niaga Jkt. Pst. between PT Rasico Industry and PT Panda Trading Indonesia. Both cases prove that there are circumstances where the petition for a declaration of bankruptcy submitted by one of the creditors against the debtor in the PKPU can be accepted, even though previously the reconciliation plan proposed by the debtor has been homologated.
KEYWORDS:Creditors, PKPU, Homologation
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