VOlUME 05 ISSUE 06 JUNE 2022
R. Agung Purwandono Saleh
University of Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Yogyakarta
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The purpose of this study is to evaluating implementation effectiveness aspects principle components of swimming training program. The benefit of this research is that it can provide information for coaches to analyze and evaluate how the principles of training, situations and conditions of the training process can be carried out better. The results of the research can be summarized as follows: 1) The quality of coaches in carrying out swimming club coaching in Sleman Swimming Federation shows the results of the category Very Good. 2) The ability of the coaches in preparation training programs shows the results of the category Good. 3) The ability of the coaches in the implementation of conditioning exercises shows the results of the category Enough. 4) The ability of the coaches in the implementation of the training program shows the results of thecategory Good. 5) The ability of the coaches in the use of training methods shows the results of the category Very Good. 6) The ability of the coaches to use swimming equipment and facilities shows the results of the category Enough. 7) The ability of the coaches in evaluating the training programs shows the results of the category Good. 8) The most important inhibiting factors in the implementation of swimming training programs at Sleman Swimming Federation include: limited equipment and training facilities, the use of swimming pools that are not able to practice freely due to joining public visitors. 9) The main supporting factors that make the smooth running of swimming training programs in swimming pools in Sleman District are: high motivation of swimmers to train intensively, the ability of trainers in an effort to improve the swimmers' performance, and the role of parents in helping to improve their children's achievement.
KEYWORDS:principal component, evaluation, swimming, training program
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