VOlUME 05 ISSUE 06 JUNE 2022
1Tran Thi Yen,
2Dinh Thu Hoai
1,2Thai Nguyen University of Education
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This study attempts to investigate the impacts of the enhanced use of synonyms and antonyms on writing performance for third-year English majors at Thai Nguyen University of Education during the second term of the academic year 2020-2021. This study employed a quasi-experimental research design with the use of questionnaires and tests as research instruments. A group of 29 out of 58 students were invited to participate in a ten-week experimental course during which they did supplementary exercises related to synonyms and antonyms. The data collected from the Pre-test and Post-test revealed that the participants not only had positive attitudes toward using synonyms and antonyms in their writing but also improved their writing performance. The results collected from questionnaires also revealed positive feedback from the students towards the use of synonyms and antonyms as well as the helpfulness of supplementary exercises during the experimental course.
KEYWORDS:Writing, Writing performance, Paragraph, Synonyms, Antonyms
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