VOlUME 05 ISSUE 06 JUNE 2022
1Normaini, 2Aslamiah, 3Sulaiman
1,2,3Master in Educational Administration, Lambung Mangkurat University, Banjarmasin, Indonesia
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The main key in improving the quality of education is the optimization of human resources, namely teachers. Teacher performance is one of the factors determinant of the success of any educational effort , but there are other factors such as the principal's transformational leadership, job satisfaction and work motivation. Therefore, this study aims to examine the effect of: principal's transformational leadership on teacher performance; satisfaction with teacher performance; motivation on teacher performance; the principal's transformational leadership on job satisfaction, the principal's transformational leadership on work motivation; the principal's transformational leadership on performance through job satisfaction; and principal transformational leadership on teacher performance through work motivation. The population of this study was 180 teachers in 22 schools with a research sample of 124 teachers using proportional random sampling technique. The data in this study was collected using instruments consisting of principals' transformational leadership (30 items), job satisfaction (20 items), work motivation (27 items) which had been tested for validity and reliability. Meanwhile, teacher performance uses teacher documentation. The researchers analyzed the data by using path analysis. The results of the study showed that there was an effect of the principal's transformational leadership on teacher performance, job satisfaction on teacher performance, motivation on teacher performance, principal's transformational leadership on job satisfaction, principal's transformational leadership on work motivation, job satisfaction was an intermediary for the influence of principal's transformational leadership on teacher performance and work motivation is an intermediary of the influence of the principal's transformational leadership on teacher performance.
KEYWORDS:Transformational Leadership, Satisfaction, Motivation, Performance
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