VOlUME 05 ISSUE 06 JUNE 2022
1Rusdiana, 2Ahmad Suriansyah, 3Noorhapizah
1,2,3Master of Educational Administration Program, Lambung Mangkurat University, Banjarmasin 70123, Indonesia
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Teacher performance is the determining factor for achieving educational goals. Several factors effect teacher performance, namely the principal’s leadership, teacher work discipline, and teacher achievement motivation. This study aims to describe and analyze the direct and indirect effect of the principal's leadership on teacher performance through work discipline and teacher achievement motivation. This research uses a descriptive quantitative approach with correlational techniques. The population of this study was 160 teachers in 22 schools. The sample of this study was 115 people. The number of samples is taken using the Slovin formula and proportional random sampling. Data collection was carried out using instruments consisting of the principal's leadership (28 items), work discipline (30 items), achievement motivation (30 items), and teacher’s performance (30 items) which had been tested for validity and reliability using moment product correlation. Data analysis of this study used Path Analysis. The results showed an effect of the principal's leadership on teacher performance through work discipline and motivation to excel, either directly or indirectly.
KEYWORDS:principal leadership, discipline, motivation to excel, teacher performance
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