1Haposan Simatupang, 2Sri Setyaningsih, 3Dian Wulandari, 4Muhammad Ikmal Setiadi
1,2,3Pakuan University, Jalan Pakuan PO Box 452, Bogor – Indonesia
4Politeknik Transportasi Darat Indonesia – STTD Bekasi, Jalan Raya Setu No.58, Bekasi, Jawa Barat 17530 – Indonesia
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Indonesia Defence University as a university that develops one of the new branches of science, defense science, must be able to meet and detect the development of global threats that are happening especially related to defense and security. Defense science emerged about five decades ago, since western countries introduced the concept of managing the defense sector to discuss how to allocate budgets and human resources, utilizing tools such as in the business world for defense purposes. The study sought to clarify efforts to measure service quality based on dominant potential factors. Quality of service is assumed to be an important part in improving the quality of education in a convergent approach derived from external factors of a learner. . In this study, the stages of data analysis techniques begin by conducting descriptive statistical analysis, testing analytical prerequisites, and continued with path analysis. Descriptive statistical analysis aims to describe the data of each variable in a single way. The result is to improve the quality of lecturer services at is trust in Indonesia Defence University to be able to produce superior quality graduates.
KEYWORDS:Defense, Lecturer, Research, Science, University
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