1Toifur, 2Rahman Affandi, 3Musyafa Ali
1,2,3State Islamic University Prof. K.H Saifuddin Zuhri, Purwokerto, Indonesia
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This research aims to describe and analyze the actions of teachers in the development of the religiousness of visually impaired students in SLB Kuncup Mas Banyumas. This type of research is field research with a qualitative approach. The subjects of the study were blind classroom teachers, principals, parents or guardians of students, and blind students. The analysis techniques used are qualitative descriptive with stages of data reduction, data display, and conclusions. Data collection uses interview observation techniques and documentation. The results showed that teacher learning actions that support the development of student religiousness can be categorized into four important parts, namely teacher structuring, teacher soliciting, student responding, and teacher reacting. Teacher structuring is manifested by the behavior of praying and praising the greatness of Allah SWT. Teacher soliciting is manifested with teachers appearing very friendly and humanist. Student response is indicated by some students who carry out tasks given by teachers and some others delay assignments. And teacher reacting is shown by providing punishment that educates by communicating with parents or siblings, and putting forward praise for a conducive learning process.
KEYWORDS:Teacher action, religious development, blind students
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