Ni Nyoman Manik Suryani
Dance Department, Faculty of Arts, Indonesia Institute of the Arts Denpasar & Jl. Nusa Indah, Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia.
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The purpose of this publication is to announce the results of research on the ideology and performances of the Legong Sambeh Bintang dance. The Legong Sambeh Bintang is a traditional Balinese dance that is preserved by the Bangle Villager. However, not all people in Bali preserve the Legong Sambeh Bintang dance. The questions are: 1) What is the form of the Legong Sambeh Bintang Dance in Bangle Village?; 2) Why do people in Bangle Village preserve the Legong Sambeh Bintang dance?. This article has been completed based on qualitative research. All the primary data has been collected through interviews with informants and observations in Bangle village. The data collection is completed by the data collected through a literature study on the ideology and art of Balinese dance. The totality of the data in the study was analyzed qualitatively by using aesthetic theory and the theory of power relations of knowledge. The results of the study show that : 1) the form of the Legong Sambeh Bintang dance is a delicate princess dance which is traditionally classified as wali art and non-representational art. This Legong show can be danced by up to 50 female dancers with uncomplicated movements and Balinese clothing that has a design pattern like the rays of the stars in the sky to be able to build the representation of many nymph; 2) The Bangle Villager preserves the Legong Sambeh Bintang dance because it is closely related to the perfection of spiritual practice through the Village Ngusaba Ceremony in their cultural heritage, aesthetic taste, and social comfort in Bangle Village. Ideologically, the great interest of the local people in always carrying out the Ngusaba Desa ceremony perfectly and seeking entertainment that can build social comfort has resulted in the sustainability of the Legong Sambeh Bintang Dance in Bangle Village.
KeywordsThe Ideology of Cultural Preservation, Legong Sambeh Bintang Dance, Bangle Village, Karangasem
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