1Nguyen The Sang, 2Ha Van Thai
1Institute of Police Science, People’s Police Academy, Vietnam
2Faculty of Law, University of Pécs, Hungary
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In recent times, despite the situation of the Covid-19 epidemic has had serious developments on a global scale, drug crimes in the world, in the region and in the country have continued to be very complicated. Southeast Asia is considered one of the world’s major illicit drug production centers. Vietnam is not in the group of large illegal drug producing countries, however, with its unique geographical position, border, road and sea routes stretching from the north to the south, causing difficulties in fighting drug crime.
Research on drug offenders from the perspective of criminology shows that the psychological formation of drug crimes comes from reasons such as economy, society, culture, law, and people’s intellectual level. On that basis, the article proposes some solutions to improve the effectiveness of the prevention of drug-related crimes.
KEYWORDS:Drug-Related Crime; Psychological Perspective; Crime Prevention; Vietnam
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