The Impact of Marketing Knowledge on Corporate Brand Image with Mediating Role of Service Marketing Innovation: Evidence from Alexandria Water Co.
1Islam Ali Ibrahim Mohamed Aboda, 2Prof. Dr. Alaa El-Gharbawy, 3Dr. Shaymaa Farid Fawzy, 4Dr. Mohamed Abdelkader AbdelHamid
1,3,4The Arab Academy for Science and Technology & Maritime Transport, Alexandria, Egypt
2Alexandria University
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v5-i2-43

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The purpose of this research is to empirically investigate the relationship between Marketing knowledge and corporate brand image with mediating Role of Service marketing innovation in Alexandria Water Co. The objectives of This research are to investigate how Marketing knowledge affect corporate brand image, to examine how Marketing knowledge affect Service marketing innovation, to identify how Service marketing innovation affects corporate brand image, to investigate the mediation role of Service marketing innovation between Marketing knowledge and corporate brand image and to develop a framework for the relationship between Marketing knowledge and corporate brand image in Alexandria Water Co. using structural equation modelling. The methodology will be based on quantitative analysis by using a questionnaire tool to gather required data and structural equation model analyses (SEM) using AMOS software version 25. The main conclusions drawn from this study are the direct effect between marketing knowledge and corporate brand image is statistically significant, the direct effect between marketing knowledge and service marketing innovation is statistically significant, the direct effect between service marketing innovation and corporate brand image is statistically significant. Finally, the study found that the service marketing innovation mediates the relationship between marketing knowledge and marketing knowledge.


Marketing knowledge, corporate brand image, Service marketing innovation.


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