Male and Female Lecturers’ Politeness Strategies in Academic Interaction
1St Aisyah Fattah,2Nur Qalbi,3Ratna Dewi
1,2,3Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar, Indonesia

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The aim of this research was to identify the types of politeness strategies used by male and female lecturer during the classroom interaction, and to find out the target achieve by the male and female lecturer in using politeness strategy. The researcher has chosen four English lecturer (two male and two female) at Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar. The researcher joined in the class and recorded the activities when lecturer was teaching. The researcher applied descriptive qualitative method to analyze the data, by doing data reduction, data display and conclusion. The researcher used the theory of politeness strategy by Brown and Lavinson (1987) which consists of positive politeness, negative politeness, bald on record and off record. The result of the research showed that the male and female lecturer used four politeness strategy, namely of positive politeness occurred in seventy-one politeness, negative politeness occurred in thirty politeness, bald on record occurred in six politeness and off record occurred thirty-five politeness. Then there were one hundred forty-two politeness strategies occurred in classroom interaction. Furthermore, the results of the research showed that the target achieve by the male and female lecturer was by doing some activity such as “come to the students’ desk and call their name one by one” those activity can create cooperative interactions between lecturers and students, help students to have positive feelings towards lessons, motivate them to participate actively in class and also shapes the character and self-development of students to the material that had been prepared.


politeness strategy, male, female lecturer, classroom interaction.


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