Exploring Organisational Culture and Challenges towards Integration of Technology: The Perspectives of Policymakers in COVID Era
1Yaw Odame Gyau,2Ernest Kwabena Gyan
1Snr. Lecturer, Ghana Institute of Journalism, P. O. Box GP 667, Accra, 32 Gamel Abdul Nasser Rr. Osu, Accra, Ghana.
2Snr. Lecturer, Accra Institute of Technology, Caprice, Accra.

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Although the phenomenon of technology is gradually being integrated into tertiary education in Ghana, challenges impeding effective integration are endemic in an environment where organizational culture is determinant. Challenges include lack of devices and cost involved, network and data bundle and incessant power supply. Organisational culture and mind-set of the key actors towards integration of technology, is an imminent challenge. From the Interpretivist paradigm, this is an exploratory study of the perspectives of Policy-makers towards the organisational culture and challenges of integration. Qualitative method through in-depth interviews was adopted in six (6) accredited public universities. The study found that, generally there is a culture of support for integration of technology and Lack of devices and costs involved were the biggest challenge to both lecturers and students. Network and Connectivity is the most wide-spread institutional mechanism that has been put in place in the public universities.


Organisational Culture, Challenges, Integration of Technology, Public Universities, COVID19.


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