Government Efforts in Post-Flood Handling at Sdn 1 Bendoroto, Trenggalak District
Slamet Muchsin
Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Islamic Univercity of Malang, Indonesia

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In addition to material and other losses, this disaster also disrupted several community activities and activities. For example, for children who are still in school, teaching and learning activities are disrupted. The flood disaster resulted in some learning facilities and infrastructure being damaged. Considering the condition of the school which was completely damaged, the school made a policy of establishing a temporary emergency school so that the teaching and learning process could continue as usual even with makeshift facilities. Of course, this condition is very inefficient. Not to mention the budget for school repairs, which is estimated to have caused a longer time for post-disaster management. The school is just waiting for help from various parties, both from the government and regional companies and so on. Policies from the government and other parties are very important in dealing with problems from the impact of natural disasters like this. Policy is a series of actions that have specific goals that must be followed and carried out by the actors to solve a problem (a purposive corse of problem or matter of concern).
This research uses a qualitative approach and a strategy using case studies. Sources of data used are primary and secondary data, as well as data collection using interviews, observation, documentation, and field notes. The analysis used by researchers is in the form of domain analysis.
The results showed that the efforts made by the Trenggalek Regency Government in post-disaster management at SDN 1 Bendoroto took several stages. From the first, review the affected locations with the aim of knowing what needs to be followed up. Then the establishment of a temporary emergency school until there is a further policy. The most important thing in this policy is the relocation and reconstruction of schools as an alternative solution to the problem.


effort, government, policy, disaster, flood


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