1Maulida Ayu Trisna Tasya,2Dian Azmawati
1,2Departement of International Relations, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v5-i12-85Google Scholar Download Pdf
FGM is the practice of injuring the female external genitalia, which is carried out on girls aged 0–14 years, and this practice has been declared a violation of human rights. As an international organization whose goal is to realize children's rights, since 2008 UNICEF has strongly opposed this practice and promised to provide assistance to countries experiencing FGM, including Indonesia. Indonesia has been declared the fourth country in the world to carry out FGM practices and this must receive serious attention. Through qualitative research using international organization theory, the authors will analyze the extent of UNICEF's roles and strategies in helping reduce the practice of Female Genital Mutilation in Indonesia. The findings from this study indicate that UNICEF has carried out several programs such as agreements with the Indonesian government, disseminating information to Indonesian communities, activists and society, and providing legal assistance or advocacy to stop FGM cases. However, there had been policy dynamics from the Indonesian government towards this practice, causing obstacles that made the realization of eliminating the practice of FGM slow.
KEYWORDS:Female Genital Mutilation, UNICEF, SDGs, Human Rights
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