Parental Involvement in Schools: A Multi-site Study at Kuin Utara 4 and Sungai Jingah 4 Elementary Schools in Banjarmasin
1Mery Mahrianti,2Sutarto Hadi,3Muhammad Saleh
1,2,3Master in Educational Administration, Universitas Lambung Mangkurat, Banjarmasin, Indonesia

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This research was derived from the reality of public schools, where the majority of students coming from low-income and lower-middle-family backgrounds. However, they could manage parental involvement so that they are actively involved in various school programs. Thus, the focus of this research included: (1) planning for parental involvement in schools; (2) the implementation of parental involvement in schools; (3) evaluation of parental involvement in schools; and (4) obstacles encountered in parental involvement in schools. The researchers used a qualitative type of multi-site study. The data were collected through participant observation techniques, in-depth interviews, and documentation. The data analysis techniques used were individual data analysis techniques and cross-case analysis. Meanwhile, the validity of the data was checked by means of internal validation, external validation, reliability, and objectivity. The results of this study showed that: (1) participation planning was carried out at the beginning of the school year involving parents, principals, and teachers with funding sources for participation planning activities from infaq and dues with the stipulated period for one year; (2) the implementation of parental involvement includes participation in incidental, daily, weekly, monthly, semester, and yearly activities; (3) evaluation of parental involvement involving committees, principals, and teachers; (4) obstacles to parental involvement in schools included the assumption that schools are free, lack of support for the development of children's talent interests, the resolution process involves principals, teachers, committee administrators, overcome by approaching, providing understanding, and socialization. From the results of this study, it was concluded that the school has developed parental involvement in various school programs. It is especially advisable for principals to embrace and trust parents to be involved in the planning, implementation, evaluation, and resolution stages of obstacles. Thus, parents will feel more needed by the school and contribute their abilities in helping to improve the quality of education in schools both in the short and long term.


parental involvement, planning, implementation, evaluation, constraints


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