A Systematic Literature Review on The Christian Ethics and The Ghanaian Working Culture
Eric Mensah-Bonsu
PhD. Business Administration (Management), Valley View Univerity

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All information found in the subsequent paragraphs presents a systematic literature review of essays and articles on a few selected topics that are greatly significant in discussing Christian ethics and the Ghanaian working culture. This review of such notable articles and essays concerning Christian ethics and the Ghanaian working culture collectively point the heading toward the case of job satisfaction, job dissatisfaction and job redesign. Definitions of concepts and theories proposed by various writers about Christian ethics and the Ghanaian working culture have been highlighted below. Furthermore, the article delves into the concept of work, regarding both the working culture and Christian ethics, yet discussing the Christian ethics that promotes Godly working standards is highly emphasised. The lapses of labour by employers and their employees, including misconduct, non-commitment, unfaithfulness, apathy, and exploitation, are also considered. From this review, it is observed that the Creator Himself worked; thereby a failing working culture may be synthesised or integrated with Christian ethics to promote productivity and job satisfaction among employers and employees alike in the Ghanaian working culture.


Christian, Ethics, Work, Culture, Theology, job satisfaction, job redesigned


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