1Dewi Urip Wahyuni,2Eka Yuliati,3Dini Widyawati
1,2,3Indonesia School of Economics (STIESIA) Surabaya, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v5-i12-66Google Scholar Download Pdf
The impact of covid 19 makes a person struggle to fulfill his life needs, namely through entrepreneurship. The results of the study The role of the government has an effect on business motivation, Product innovation has a positive and significant effect on business motivation, Entrepreneurial orientation has an effect on business motivation, The role of the government has no effect on the performance culinary tourism center, Product innovation has an effect on the performance culinary tourism center, Entrepreneurial orientation has an effect on the performance culinary tourism center. The higher the entrepreneurial orientation, the higher the performance culinary tourism center in East Surabaya, Business motivation effects the performance culinary tourism center in East Surabaya, Business motivation mediates the influence of the Government's role on the performance culinary tourism center in East Surabaya, Business motivation mediates the effect of product innovation on performance culinary tourism center in East Surabaya, Business motivation mediates the effect of product orientation on the performance of culinary tourism center in East Surabaya.
KEYWORDS:government role, product innovation, performance of SWK
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