Explaining the effect of Organizational Justice on Job Satisfaction and Work Performance
1Suzan Ashraf Wahby,2Prof. Dr. Mona Abdel Ghany,3Dr. Hazem Rasheed
1Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport
2Associate Professor, College of Management and Technology Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport
3Associate Professor in Marketing, College of Management and Technology Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport

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The aim of this research is to investigate the effect of organizational justice on work performance and job satisfaction. The purpose of this study is to examine the nature, strength and significance of the links between organizational justice, job satisfaction and work performance .Previous researchers have conducted on Organization justice, job satisfaction and work performance as separate concepts, few of them have attempted to examine the links between them. To date, there is a lack of evidence regarding the nature, significance and strength of relationships between these three variables. The literature review shows that employees’ perceptions of fairness in all organizational processes and practices are assumed to influence their behavior and work outcomes.
In order to achieve the aim of the research, the Quantitative method has been used through conducting questionnaires among employees. 400 employees were the participants, with the following results. First, the results showed that distributive justice, Procedural justice and Interactional justice are insignificantly affecting Job Satisfaction. Secondly, the results showed that distributive justice, Procedural justice and Interactional justice are insignificantly affecting work performance. These results suggest that managers should pay workers what they deserve , follow open and fair procedures , offer workers a voice , meet regularly , conduct employee surveys and keep an on-open door policy. Managers must work to distribute the functions, tasks and duties equally, fairs have fairness of outcome, in addition to developing appropriate rules and regulations in order to have fairness of decision making , lastly managers should care about their employees and build manager-employee communication. . Therefore, Employee performance and satisfaction are influenced by organizational fairness (fairness of distribution, fairness of method, and fairness of interaction). Employee’s demographic and career backgrounds are designed as moderators.


Organizational Justice, Distributive Justice, Procedural Justice, Interactional Justice, Work Performance, Job Satisfaction and Employee’s demographic and career backgrounds.


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