Efficiency of Teller Service Time at Limited Companies of Bank North Sulawesi and Gorontalo Kotamobagu Branch
Mohamad Mustaqim Mokoagow

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This research was conducted at Limited Companies of Bank North Sulawesi and Gorontalo Kotamobagu Branch with the aim of knowing the efficiency of bank teller service time provided to customers. Service is an action that is often carried out by service companies such as banking financial institutions. In the queuing system, consumers will become loyal customers if they feel satisfaction because they don't wait too long, and this will benefit the company concerned. The results of the study obtained that the standard teller time serving one customer was 6 minutes 88 seconds. The number of subscriptions waiting in each queue at the teller counter with normal circumstances is two people while the subscription time waiting in the teller counter queue under normal circumstances is 11 minutes 28 seconds. The length of waiting plus the average service time of each customer in the teller system is 15 minutes must be reduced by adding two tellers so that it becomes four tellers. Thus, a good, fast, and maximum service system can be proven by the standard teller time in serving one customer with an efficient time of 7.5 minutes.


Maximum service.


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