1Hernina Halimah, 2Ahmad Suriansyah, 3Agus Rifani Syaifuddin
1,2,3Master of Education Administration, Lambung Mangkurat University, Banjarmasin, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v5-i12-06Google Scholar Download Pdf
This study aims to reveal how the school with Adiwiyata program was developed, how teachers and staff were empowered by the program, and how the school partnered with management programs from outside institutions to create the program. A multi-case research design and a continual comparative method were utilized in this study's phenomenological qualitative methodology. The researchers used in-depth interviews, participant observation, and documentation methods to gather the data. Purposive tactics and snowball sampling methods were employed to choose the informants. The data collected through these various techniques was examined and data reduction, data presentation, and data verification were carried out. Checking the validity of the data was done by using credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability. After checking, the collected data was analyzed by single case analysis and cross-site analysis. The results obtained from this study indicate that the development of the Adiwiyata program in schools is carried out in collaboration with both the school and other parties that participate in helping the success of the Adiwiyata-program-based schools. The schools need to socialize in advance to related agencies in order to get support in the form of useful materials and knowledge that can be applied in Adiwiyata school activities. Based on the findings, it is suggested to school principals to always improve the quality of their schools, especially regarding the Adiwiyata program, teachers and staff to always increase attention to the practice of environmental care values, and future researchers are expected to be able to conduct research related to Adiwiyata management at other research different sites.
KEYWORDS:Management, Adiwiyata School
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