Ilnaz Atri
Department of English, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran.
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v5-i12-55Google Scholar Download Pdf
This paper intends to answer to what degree the characters in Saul Bellow`s Dangling Man live based on freedom within existential philosophy. As Existentialists believe, each individual is solely responsible for giving meaning to life. These human beings, through their consciousness, create their values and determine a meaning to their life. This paper bases its theory mainly on Jean-Paul Sartre`s Being and Nothingness and Heidegger`s Time and Being, which concern being, freedom, and responsibility, and on other relevant theorists who discuss existential freedom and the being in life. The concept of freedom which is of primary importance to philosophers from the beginning of life is discussed in Dangling Man, where a character like Joseph struggles to win his freedom by going to war and leaving his life behind. For him, the war answers his questions and promises him an identity and self. Joseph could be argued as an existential individual who lives based on his freedom of choice and action.
KEYWORDS:Anguish, Being, Existentialism, Freedom, Responsibility, Self
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