Jungs of Central Asia - As Legal Codes for Muftis and Qazis (Judges) of the Khanate Era
S.A. Mukhammadaminov
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Senior Researcher, Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan

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The article discusses the jung sets, that is, the set of sharia rulings - programs (codes) compiled by mufti (jurist), aʿlam (senior jurist) and qāżī (judge) in Mawarannahr. Information is given about the composition and copies of jungs for whom and for what purpose they were created. A valid jurisprudential issue recognized by local scholars over the years in order to coordinate proceedings in the local judicial system. The various jung collections consisting of fatwas, different aspects in content and content, their aspects related to religious and social processes that occurred in each period are shown. In them, shariah laws and fatwas were systematically issued, which were used as legal codes by qazikhona officials. In this way, information is given about jung and their copies compiled during the period of the Emirate Bukhara and the khanates of Khiva and Kokand. Although the format, size, and scope of the issues of the complexes differ from each other, there are aspects that connect them. The compilers of jungs used the shari’a rulings (ma’mula) that have been in practice among the people who are in charge of the dispensation of justice in khanates for centuries when referring to the sources.


jung, collection, Mukhtasar al-wiqāya fī masāʾil al-Hidāya, al-masail al-fiqhiyya, classification, Mecelle-i Ahkam-ı Adliye, code, structure, manuscript, copy.


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