1Daimul Abror,2Rasyadan Taufiq Probojati, 3Susi Ratnawati
1Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Kadiri University
2Faculty of Agriculture, Kadiri University
3Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Bhayangkara University Surabaya
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v5-i12-35Google Scholar Download Pdf
Smoked fish is one of the processed fish products that are commonly found in Penatarsewu Village, Tanggulangin District, Sidoarjo Regency. Smoked fish is a fish product that has gone through a smoking process. Fish smoking is a food processing technology that has been known for a long time. Smoking is done by penetrating volatile compounds from burning wood in fish [3] which can produce products with specific flavors and aromas [4]. So far, the production of smoked fish carried out in Penatsewu Village is still using traditional methods which are considered less hygienic and the results obtained are not uniform [5]. Thus the quality of smoked fish produced is inconsistent and there is no guarantee of the safety of smoked fish products for consumers [6]. Therefore, an environmentally friendly fumigation device was developed. This fish smoking device called environmentally friendly is a modern smoker which is expected to be a solution to problems in the production of smoked fish which has not been optimal so far. In the process, smoking using an environmentally friendly smoker is more hygienic than traditional smoking [7]. Smoking with an environmentally friendly smoker has a longer shelf life than traditional smoking. The use of different types of smoking fuel can affect the quality of smoked fish produced [8]. There are several commodities that produce waste that can be used as fuel for smoke, including siwalan coir, corn cobs and coconut shells.
KEYWORDS:Empowerment, community, smoked fish, environment
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