1Muhammad Ali Khan,2 Danial Zahid Shafique, 3Awais Qasim
1M.S Scholar, School of Economics and Management, Harbin Engineering University, China
2PhD. Scholar, School of Economics and Management, Harbin Engineering University, China
3PhD. Scholar, Lincoln College University, Malaysia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v5-i12-33Google Scholar Download Pdf
The present study investigated the mediating role of job satisfaction influencing the impact of perceived organizational support (POS) on employee performance among 215 employees working in different organizations in Hattar Industrial Estate Pakistan. The data was collected through a well-designed questionnaire, which was adopted after a brief literature review. The study relied on different statistical tests such as frequency distribution, descriptive statistics, Pearson’s correlation, step-wise regression, and structural equation modeling. Results showed higher internal consistency among the scales used in the questionnaire representing different factors. The econometric findings revealed that POS along with control variables i.e. age, gender, education, income, and total experience is responsible for around 41.6% variation in employee performance increased to 68.9% with the inclusion of job satisfaction. The SEM results showed that job satisfaction positively mediates the relationship between POS and employee performance, where the coefficient value of the indirect effect is recorded statistically significant at 5%. The findings of the current study implied that for organizations it is not enough to promote POS culture to increase employee performance rather it is important to encourage and care about employee satisfaction first and then encourage POS-related policies.
KEYWORDS: Perceived Organizational Support; Employee Performance; Job Satisfaction; CFA Analysis; EFA Analysis; Mediation Analysis;
Jel Codes: D22; L20; L25
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