1A Hadi Arifin, 2Eny Dameria, 3EM Yususf IIS, 4Linda Zahara, 5Rani Gesta Putri
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v5-i12-30Google Scholar Download Pdf
Work This research is to find out how far changes in compensation, protection, and leadership can positively impact job satisfaction and work loyalty in environmental and sanitation agencies in Aceh, Indonesia. The total sample is 308 employees tested using the structural equation modeling analysis method. The study results explain that changes in compensation, leadership, and protection positively and significantly affect job satisfaction and employee loyalty. Job satisfaction has a positive and significant influence on employee loyalty. Likewise, job satisfaction partially mediates through compensation, protection, and leadership changes in increasing work loyalty. It recommended that the Indonesian Aceh government immediately implement an integrated system in establishing policies for changing compensation, protection guarantees, and service leadership so that employees are always diligent in working to achieve a beautiful and comfortable living environment in Aceh.
KEYWORDS:compensation, protection, leadership, work satisfaction, work loyalty
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