The Effect of Compensation and Interpersonal Communication on Performance through Job Satisfaction of Elementary School Honorary Teachers in West Banjarmasin
1Dina Rika Yandini, 2Ahmad Suriansyah, 3Aslamiah
1,2,33Master of Education Administration, Universitas Lambung Mangkurat Banjarmasin, Indonesia

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This study aims to analyze the effect of compensation and interpersonal communication on performance through job satisfaction of elementary school honorary teachers in West Banjarmasin. The researchers used quantitative method with a population of all honorary teachers in 42 elementary schools. The sampling technique was Non-probability Sampling. The total sample was 147 people with data collection using an instrument in the form of a questionnaire. The validity and reliability tests were done using Alpha Cronbach which consists of honorary teacher performance (30 items), compensation (35 items), interpersonal communication (23 items) and job satisfaction (25 items). The data were analyzed through path analysis by first conducting assumption tests, namely normality, linearity and multicolonierity tests. The results of the study showed that there was an effect between: (1) compensation on performance, (2) interpersonal communication on performance, (3) compensation for job satisfaction, (4) interpersonal communication on job satisfaction, (5) job satisfaction with performance, (6) compensation for performance through job satisfaction and (7) interpersonal communication towards performance through job satisfaction.


Compensation, Interpersonal Communication, Job Satisfaction, Teacher Performance Honorer


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