1Norparidah, 2Ahmad Suriansyah, 3Asniwati
1,2,3Master of Education Administration, Universitas Lambung Mangkurat Banjarmasin, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v5-i12-26Google Scholar Download Pdf
Teacher professional attitude, particularly at the State High Schools in the Balangan Regency, is relatively average. Moreover, the teaching and learning activities have not fully reflected the 21st-century learning. In addition to the teachers' individual responsibilities, the principal is the main driving force of instructional activities in the school. Thus, this research study aims to investigate the direct and indirect effects of the principal's situational leadership, communication, and work culture on the professional attitudes of state high school teachers in the Balangan Regency. The population of this study consists of as many as 189 teachers from State High Schools in Balangan Regency, with a sample size of 128 using Simple Random Sampling technique. The researchers used descriptive techniques and path analysis to analyze the data. Utilizing the principal's situational leadership instruments (17 items), communication (30 items), work culture (35 items), and teacher professional attitudes, the data was collected (25 items). The results indicated that there is an effect of principal situational leadership on teacher professional attitudes, communication, and work culture, communication on teacher professional attitudes, work culture towards the professional attitude of the teacher, communication towards the work culture, and the indirect effect of situational principal leadership on the professional attitude of the teacher through communication and work culture. Situational leadership, communication, work culture, and the professional attitude of teachers are relevant.
KEYWORDS:situational leadership, communication, work culture, professional attitude of teachers
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