1Nunik Nuril Lazufa, 2A. Muhyani Rizalie, 3Muhammad Saleh
1,2,3Master of Education Administration, University of Lambung Mangkurat Banjarmasin, Indonesia
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v5-i12-25Google Scholar Download Pdf
This research study used a qualitative descriptive approach with a multi-site research design. The data was collected by using interview, observation, and occupancy techniques. The subjects of this study were principals, vice principals, teachers, and educators at SD-IT Robbani Banjarbaru and SD-IT Qardhan Hasana Banjarbaru. This study used an interactive data analysis model from Hubberman and Miles, with the stages of the data collection, presentation of the data collection, and drawing conclusions and checking the validity of findings carried out with credibility, dependability, and confirmobility. After the data was collected, it was carried out with a single site and then continued with cross-site analysis. The results of this study are the leadership role of the principal has good leadership skills and has broad insights, which has a democratic style in leading to achieve common goals and the principal supervises at least twice a semester to improve the learning process and improve the quality of education. In improving the quality of education, there are several supporting and inhibiting factors, namely those that involve the ability to innovate principals, professional teachers and complete infrastructure.
KEYWORDS:role of principal, quality of education
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