The Correlation Between Principal Leadership Behavior, Subordinate Maturity and Work Discipline Mediated by the Work Motivation of Elementary School Teachers in Awayan District
1Halianur,2Sulaiman,3Muhyani Rizalie
1,2,3Master in Education Administration Program, Universitas Lambung Mangkurat, Banjarmasin, Indonesia

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The purpose of this study was to analyze the direct and indirect correlation between the principal's leadership behavior, subordinate maturity and work motivation with the work discipline of teachers at SDN (Sekolah Dasar Negeri) or elementary schools in Awayan District. The method used in this study was a descriptive correlational using a path analysis model to analyze correlation patterns The independent variables consisting of principal leadership behavior (X1) and subordinate maturity (X2). Meanwhile, the dependent variable is the teacher discipline (Y) and intermediate variables (intervening variable) that is teacher work motivation (Z). The study population was 156 teachers from 21 elementary schools located in Awayan District, and 159 respondents were taken as research samples using the proportional random sampling technique and proportional allocation formula. The data was collected using questionnaire. Meanwhile, the data analysis used descriptive analysis, classical assumption testing, hypothesis testing and path analysis. The results of the study showed that there was a partial direct correlation between the principal's leadership behavior, subordinate maturity and work motivation with teacher discipline and there was an indirect correlation between the principal's leadership behavior and subordinates' leadership behavior with work discipline through work motivation at SDN Awayan District. The principal's advice as a leader should continue to improve the behavior of his duties (initiation) such as taking more time to communicate well with teachers and more engaging and listening to teachers to make school policy plans as well as work procedures for teachers. Teachers continue to improve their skills as teachers and continue to gain experience by participating in activities related to work improvement. Teachers should make more efforts to improve work discipline by more streamlining time at work such as the teaching process in the classroom, completing assigned tasks on time, carrying out every set rule well.


leadership behavior of the principal, maturity of subordinates, motivation of kerja, teacher work discipline


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