Asian Index Movement and Indonesian Jci Fluctuation
1Heri Sasono,2Sri Yuliati
1STIE Dharma Bumiputera, Jakarta
2Politeknik Pratama Mulia, Surakarta

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Investors in the capital market certainly expect profits from the funds invested by buying several shares on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). This study wants to see whether the JCI is influenced by stock indexes in Asian countries, as well as macro variables in Indonesia. The analysis uses Partial Test, Simultaneous Test, Correlation and Regression of the independent variable on the dependent variable using SPSS Software, with the research period between 2010 and 2021. The conclusion is that Inflation, Economic Growth, Singapore Index, Malaysia Index, Thailand Index, Philippines Index and South Korea Index partially have no significant effect on the JCI, but simultaneously (simultaneously) have a significant effect on the JCI.


Inflation, Economic Growth, STI, KLCI, SET, PSEI and KOSPI.


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