1Imam Mukhlis, 2Aji Prasetya Wibawa, 3Agung Winarno, 4Özlem Sökmen Gürçam,5Naura Anudya
1,2,3Department of Development Economics,Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia
4Department of Economy, Igdir University, Turkey
5Rural Development and Sustainability, Rotasi Institute
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v5-i11-03Google Scholar Download Pdf
Economic activity had experienced a slowdown due to the Covid-19 virus outbreak, which hit the economy in various countries. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) predicts that GDP growth on a global scale will reach a figure of minus 3% by 2020. Poverty and income inequality are still the main problems in developing countries that can aggravate their condition. The technique used in this study is to use explanatory methods with descriptive analysis, using primary data with data collection methods using questionnaire techniques, interviews, and document analysis. The population used in this method is farmer households, with sampling carried out by random sampling. The results of this study show that economic access is the main thing that causes a household to still have difficulty in meeting basic needs.
KEYWORDS:Food Security, Regional Economic, Pandemic
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