Muhammad Ihsan Firdaus
Master of Law Program, Faculty of Law, Muhammadiyah Malang University
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v5-i11-24Google Scholar Download Pdf
The Covid-19 pandemic has been spread throughout the world, which has caused the governments of each country to implement a restriction on human rights, which is freedom of movement. This is a step and a response from the government to overcome the spread of Covid-19, as well as the Indonesian government. As a state of law (rechtstaat), of course the Indonesian government has its own specialty to respond and to enforce a regulation to deal with di Covid-19 pandemic, in accordance with the provisions of the emergency constitutional law and the limitation on human rights. The limitation on freedom of movement throughout the implementation of limitation on human rights that have been implemented by the Indonesian government, if it traced, they are PSBB, Transitional PSBB, Emergency PPKM and 4-Level PPKM. These are all of the responses and steps that have been taken by the government to cope and to overcome the Covid-19 pandemic. However, of course, the implementation is not always in accordance with what is expected, so it is worth questioning the legal effectiveness, whether it is in accordance with the sense of justice as the law is implemented, or not in accordance and far-reached from the sense of justice as one of the objectives of the law.
KEYWORDS:legal effectiveness, limitation on freedom of movement, spread of covid-19 pandemic.
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