1Lili Salfina, 2Zaki, 3Meirinaldi, 4Sumarni, 5Elsya Meida Arief
1,2Student University of Borobudur,Jakarta, Indonesia
3,4,5Lecturers University of Borobudur, Jakarta, Indonesia
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The study aims to analyze the influence of rice production, crop dry grain prices (GKP), rice consumption, per capita income and the number of people moderated by rice prices that impact on farmers' well-being. This research method uses a quantitative approach with panel data. The study was conducted in West Sumatra Province in 19 districts / cities with secondary data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of West Sumatra Province in 2013 - 2019. Data analysis uses multiple line regression with panel data.
Simultaneous and partial research results found that rice production, crop dry grain prices (GKP), rice consumption, per capita income, and population can have a significant and positive effect on rice prices in West Sumatra province. While the impact of rice prices has a significant and negative effect on the welfare of farmers in West Sumatra province. The price of dry grain harvest (GKP) is the main factor that affects the price of rice, where rice consumption is a contributing factor that affects the price of rice. Meanwhile, rice production, per capita income and population, is a variable factor of disruption, because rice consumption is influenced by income / purchasing power and the number of family members,and in addition when viewed from the impact, the price of rice has a significant and negative effect on the welfare of farmers.
KEYWORDS:Rice production, Dry grain harvest prices, rice consumption, per capita income, population, rice prices and farmer welfare.
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