Synergy of TNI and BNPB in Management Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster in Palu Indonesia
1Joni Sulistiawan,2 Ikhwan Syahtaria, 3Dohar Siantur, 4Lukman Yudho Prakoso,
5Herlina Juni Risma Saragih, 6Ernalem Bangun
1,2,3,4,5,6Republic Indonesia of Defense University, Kawasan IPSC Sentul, Sukahati, Kec. Citeureup, Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat 16810
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v5-i1-38

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In 2018, a natural disaster occurred in Palu, Central Sulawesi which caused losses both in the number of victims and damage to infrastructure. Natural disasters that occurred in the city of Palu occurred in three types of disasters, namely, earthquakes, tsunamis and liquefaction. The TNI as a form of implementing OMSP TNI, is responsible for being involved in disaster management efforts, together with BNPB. One of the implementing elements of the TNI in carrying out natural disaster management operations is the PRCPB TNI. However, there are still several things that need to be optimized and coordinated from the synergy between the two institutions, namely optimizing the synergy with other ministries/agencies and agencies, the composition of the troops, and the limited facilities and infrastructure. The theory used in analyzing these problems is the theory of synergy, theory of disaster management, role theory, theory of state defense and theory of TNI involvement in Disaster Management. With descriptive qualitative research method, research data were collected through in-depth interviews and documentation studies. Based on the results of the study, the disaster that hit Palu city and several other areas of Central Sulawesi showed that local government authorities also did not fully understand the flow and procedures for dealing with disasters quickly. When a disaster occurs, both the government and the community are not prepared. The government through the BNBP, BPBD, and TNI sent aid personnel in the context of disaster management in Palu City in 2018. In particular, the TNI through PRCPB, several units have sent troops to carry out humanitarian missions according to the mandate of Law Number 3 of 2002 concerning National Defense and Law Number 34 of 2004 about the Indonesian National Army. The synergy between the TNI and various parties from BNPB, BPBD, and the Regional Government in Palu City is going well. However, overlapping tasks in the field, sectoral egos still often occur. The synergy model between the TNI and BNPB is to establish a disaster center so that gaps and problems of command, cooperation, communication and coordination and other problems can be overcome.


Synergy, BNPB, TNI, Natural Disaster Management, Palu, Indonesia


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